My grief journey

My tribute tattoo

Welcome to Leticia Hewett’s grief journey

this is a lonely journey however you’re not alone. There are unfortunately a few of us who walk this unchosen path

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Isiah Jamal Johnstone Hodshon
1 minute

The harsh reality

The harsh reality is.. after the funeral everyone moves on with life, the grieving stays stuck..  our timelines change before our child’s death and after our child’s death..  Everyone stops checking in on you, you’re reality becomes their fear.. you’re a contrast reminder to them of what can happen..  Not only do you lose a…

my grief 

Juggling grief in the beginning can be quite difficult.. this kind of grief rips a person to the very core.. losing a child is not supposed to happen it’s how we were taught..  I became obsessed with death and the after life so I watched many documentaries to help me get to understand.. I watched…

The first year of grief

In the first year of my grief I didnt think I’d survive it.. My chest and heart felt very heavy.. my stomach lived in a constant state of knots.. it was all a very weird feeling I haven’t been one to want to feel any emotions at all  To describe my stomach it was like…

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